Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost
About Faculty


University of Zagreb
Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology

Trg Marka Marulića 19
10 000 Zagreb
Phone: +385 (0) 1 4597 281
Fax: +385 (0) 1 4597 260
e-mail: office@fkit.unizg.hr
web: www.fkit.unizg.hr



Dean of the Faculty

Prof. Ante Jukić, Ph.D.



Prof. Sanja Lučić Blagojević, Ph.D.

Finance and Administration
Prof. Ernest Meštrović, Ph.D.

Research and International Collaboration
Prof. Zvjezdana Findrik Blažević, Ph.D.




Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology is a constituent of University of Zagreb. It is organized in several Departments and Chairs that perform teaching, scientific work, professional and consulting activities in Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and other fields.

Faculty is governed by a Dean and three vice-Deans, and the Faculty Council.

The Dean is elected among the full and associate professors of the Faculty. The Dean is responsible for the scientific and teaching activities at the Faculty, as well as for its financial status.

The Faculty Council is composed of all the elected professors, four student representatives and five lower-level teaching staff representatives. The Council creates educational, scientific and professional programs at undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels. The Council assesses and administers Ph.D. level procedures, elects and evaluates scientific and education grades of the staff and evaluates and approves foreign diplomas in the fields of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry.



The core activities of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology are research, investigation and high-level education in the fields of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry. In particular, the Faculty:

  • Organizes and performs undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate scientific and professional courses
  • Organizes and performs scientific work in connection with the educational process and through the postgraduate scientific courses
  • Organizes, completes and revises research projects, studies and consulting for the industry and government institutions
  • Organizes colloquia, seminars, symposia and other scientific and professional meetings and events
  • Attests materials, procedures and processes and issues quality certificates
  • Disseminates important scientific and professional achievements
  • Collaborates with other scientific, professional, educational and other institutions within the Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Environmental Engineering and related fields in Croatia and abroad