Students may go abroad from 2 to 12 months. The same student may receive grants for studying or being trained abroad summing up to 12 months maximum per cycle of study.
Students have to be registered in a higher education institution and enrolled in studies leading to a recognised degree or other recognised tertiary level qualification (up to and including the level of doctorate). Erasmus students are selected by their sending higher education institution.
Receiving organisations for traineeships can be any public or private organisations active in the labour market.
Prior to the departure the Erasmus+ student is provided with:
- A grant agreement covering the mobility period and signed between the student and his or her sending higher education institution;
- A Learning Agreement regarding the specific programme for the traineeship, approved by the student, the sending institution and the enterprise;
- The Erasmus+ Student Charter setting out the student’s rights and obligations with respect to his/her period of training/work experience abroad.
At the end of mobility period:
- For a traineeship which is an integral part of the curriculum, the sending institution must give full academic recognition for the period spent abroad, by using ECTS credits or an equivalent system. Recognition shall be based on the Learning Agreement approved by all parties before the period of mobility starts;
- In the particular case of a traineeship that is not part of the curriculum of the student, the sending institution shall provide recognition at least by recording this period in the Diploma Supplement or, in the case of recent graduates, by providing a traineeship certificate.
Students may be awarded an Erasmus+ EU grant to help cover the travel and subsistence costs incurred in connection with their traineeship abroad.
The payment of any national grant or loan to outgoing students should be maintained during the traineeship abroad.
Interested students should apply to the international office and/or Erasmus+ office of their sending higher education institution. The office will provide information on the possibilities of a traineeship abroad as well as the modalities to apply for and receive an Erasmus+ EU grant.