ERASMUS MUNDUS is a part of Erasmus+ programme in connection with the collaboration outside the EU
More information on the Programme is found on the Erasmus Mundus website.
The Programme is executed by collaboration with declared geographical regions, so-called LOT-s, via approved programme units carried out by the consortia of universities. The University of Zagreb is involved in six of the consortia. These are:
LOT11 – Experts4Asia (Southern and South-eastern Asia)
LOT9 – Silkroute (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan)
LOT9 – Euro-Asian CEA 2 (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan)
LOT16 – BE MUNDUS (Brazil Europe Mundus)
LOT7 – Basileus V (Western Balkans Countries)
LOT1 – EU-METALIC (Morocco, Egypt, Tunis, Algeria, Libya)
The collaboration is aimed primarily at raising the general research and teaching capacity of outside-EU partners.
The mobility of students and staff is supported for all the students coming from the LOT region to the consortia members in the EU.
The mobility of students and staff is supported for all the students from the consortia members in the EU to the consortia members in the LOT region.