Okvirni sadržaj kolegija
Nanomaterijali i pristupi proizvodnji nanomaterijala. Tehnike karakteriziranja nanomaterijala: Elektronska mikroskopija (SEM, EDX, TEM), Pretražna mikroskopija atomske (magnetske) rezolucije (AFM), Skenirajuća tunelska mikroskopija (STM), Tehnike X-zraka (XRD/XRF, XPS/AES), Površinske/međufazne tehnike (adsorpcija, površinska napetost, zeta potencijal, Polarizacijsko-modulativni FTIR). Specifične primjene nanotehnologije: Gorivni članci; Bio-gorivni članci; Proizvodnja vodika elektrolizom vode i reverzibilni gorivni članci; Protočne baterije; Nanostrukturirani oksidni materijali kao katalizatori za obradu otpadnih voda (elektrokemijska i foto-elektrokemijska obrada); Nanotehnologija u razvoju pametnih i samo-popravljivih antikorozijskih prevlaka.
Opis metoda provođenja nastave
Studentu se odredi tema seminarskog rada, po mogućnosti iz područja koje se odnosi na temu njegova doktorskoga rada.
Opis načina izvršavanja obveza
Student je obavezan napisati seminarski rad na predloženu temu. Rad treba biti preglednog tipa, s najvažnijom i najnovijom literaturom koja se odnosi na temu rada. Ovo obično podrazumijeva detaljno čitanje, razumijevanje i onda citiranje min. 50 radova iz znanstvenih časopisa / knjiga. Student rad pošalje instruktoru na prvo čitanje. Instruktor studentu vraća rad s komentarima i zahtijeva njegov ispravak. Alternativno, studentu se daje mogućnost da prihvati ponuđenu ocjenu (bez revizije rada).
Ishodi učenja na razini kolegija
Kategorizirati različite nanomaterijale koji se koriste u određenim područjima znanosti, odnosno u širokoj primjeni.
Vrjednovati nanomaterijale u području razvoja elektrokemijskih sistema za proizvodnju energije, obrade otpadnih voda, detekciju molekula (senzori) i medicinske primjene.
Interpretirati teorijske osnove niza eksperimentalnih tehnika koji se koriste za karakterizaciju nanomaterijala.
Odabrati eksperimentalne tehnike prikladne za karakterizaciju nanomaterijala s obzirom na ciljana svojstva.
Interpretirati eksperimentalne rezultate dobivene korištenjem tehnika za karakterizaciju nanomaterijala.
Ishodi učenja na razini studijskog programa
Sistematizirati znanja vještine i kompetencije za svoje znanstveno područje i polje studija.
Vrjednovati vještine i metode eksperimentalnih i teorijskih istraživanja povezanih sa svojim znanstvenim područjem i poljem studija.
Komunicirati s kolegama, širom međunarodnom znanstvenom zajednicom i društvom u cjelini o svojim idejama ili o području svoga znanstvenoga i stručnoga interesa.
Popis literature potrebne za studij i polaganje ispita (List of recommended readings)
Y. Leng, Materials Characterization: Introduction to Microscopic and Spectroscopic Methods, 2nd Edition, Willey, 2013
V.S. Bagotsky, Fundamentals of Electrochemistry, 2nd Edition, Willey, 2005
F. Ran, S. Chen, Advanced Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, Elsevier, 2019
Y. Lin, H. Singh Nalwa, Handbook of Electrochemical Nanotechnology, American Scientific Publishers, 2009
Saša Omanović - Nanotechnology in electrochemistry
Outline of course content Nanomaterials and nanomaterials production approaches. Nanomaterial characterization techniques: Electronic microscopy (SEM, EDX, ETM), Atomic force microscopy (AFM), Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), X-Ray techniques (XRD/XRF, XPS/AES), Surface/interface techniques (adsorption, contact angle, zeta potential, polarization-modulation infrared absorption reflection spectroscopy). Specific applications of nanotechnology: Fuel cells; Biofuel cells; Hydrogen production by electrolysis of water and regenerative fuel cells; Flow batteries; Nanostructured oxide materials as catalysts for the treatment of wastewaters (electrochemical and photo-electrochemical); Nanotechnology in the development of medical biosensors and controlled drug release; Development of biomolecule-based electrochemical reactors for biocatalysis; Nanotechnology in development of smart and self-healing anti-corrosive coatings.
Description of instruction methods
A student is assigned a topic related to his/her PhD project, if possible. The topic needs to be researched, and the corresponding written (seminar) report needs to be submitted to the instructor for grading.
Description of course requirements
A student is obliged to submit a written report on the assigned topic, to the instructor for grading. The report needs to be of a review-article type, based on the most relevant and recent literature findings related to the assigned topic. This, in general, assumes the student needs to read the topic-related literature extensively (min. 50 references), and understand the findings reported in the literature. A first version of the report is sent to the course instructor for the first reading. The instructor responds to the student with comments and a request for revision of the report. Alternatively, the student is offered a possibility to accept a grade related to the first version (draft) of the report (without further revising the draft).
Learning outcomes at the course level
To categorize different nanomaterials used in certain areas of science or in everyday applications.
To evaluate nanomaterials in the fields of electrochemical systems for energy production, wastewater treatment, detection of molecules (sensors) and medical applications.
To interpret theoretical fundamentals of a series of experimental techniques used to characterize nanomaterials.
To choose experimental techniques suitable for characterizing nanomaterials with respect to targeted properties.
To interpret experimental results obtained using the techniques for characterization of nanomaterials.
Learning outcome at the study programme level
To systematise knowledge, skills and competences for the respective field and academic area of the programme of study
To evaluate the skills and methods for experimental and theoretical research relating to the respective field and academic area of the programme of study
To communicate with their peers, the larger international scholarly community and with society in general about their ideas or the field of their scholarly and professional interest