Vibracijska spektroskopija (FT-IR, Raman). Osnovni principi. Instrumentacija. Analiza vibracijskih spektara. Primjeri primjene u analizi različitih materijala (uređene i neuređene strukture). Elektronske spektroskopije. UV/Vis/NIR spektroskopija. Energijsko disperzijska spektroskopija rendgenskog zračenja (EDS ili EDAX). Osnovni principi. Analiza spektara različitih materijala. Nuklearne spektroskopije. Mössbauerova spektroskopija. Osnovni principi. Instrumentacija. Hiperfine interakcije i analiza spektara. Mössbauerova spektroskopija i magnetska svojstva materijala.
Opis metoda provođenja nastave
Predavanja, konzultacije, seminari, studenski istraživački projekt
Opis načina izvršavanja obveza
Usmeni ispit, seminarski rad
Način praćenja kvalitete i uspješnosti izvedbe svakog predmeta
Studentska anketa
Ishodi učenja na razini kolegija
Primijeniti metode vibracijskih i elektronskih spektroskopija u istraživanju materijala
Analizom vibracijskih spektara (FT-IR, Raman) odrediti sastav i strukturu materijala
Primjenom elektronskih spektroskopija (UV, Vis, NIR) odrediti optička svojstva materijala
Mössbauerovom spektroskopijom istražiti magnetska i strukturna svojstva materijala
Odrediti fazni udio i kemijski sastav na mikro i nano razini
Usporediti rezultate komplementarnih spektroskopskih tehnika
Ishodi učenja na razini studijskog programa
Sistematizirati znanja vještine i kompetencije za svoje znanstveno područje i polje studija.
Vrjednovati vještine i metode eksperimentalnih i teorijskih istraživanja povezanih sa svojim znanstvenim područjem i poljem studija.
Komunicirati s kolegama, širom međunarodnom znanstvenom zajednicom i društvom u cjelini o svojim idejama ili o području svoga znanstvenoga i stručnoga interesa.
Popis literature potrebne za studij i polaganje ispita (List of recommended readings)
- Mitsuo Tasumi, Akira Sakamoto: Introduction to Experimental Infrared Spectroscopy - Fundamentals and Practical Methods, Wiley (2015).
- Peter Larkin: Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy: Principles and Spectral Interpretation, Elsevier (2011).
- J. Garcia Sole, L.E. Bausa, D. Jaque: An introduction to the optical spectroscopy of inorganic solids, John Wiley & Sons (2005).
- Jin Zhong Zhang: Optical Properties and Spectroscopy of Nanomaterials, World Scientific (2009).
- Enver Murad, John Cashion: Mössbauer Spectroscopy of Environmental Materials and Their Industrial Utilization, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2004).
- Philipp Gutlich, Eckhard Bill, Alfred X. Trautwein: Mössbauer Spectroscopy and Transition Metal Chemistry, Springer (2011).
- Joseph I. Goldstein: Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis, Springer (2018).
Stjepko Krehula - Spectroscopic methods in material research
Vibrational spectroscopies (FT-IR, Raman). Basic principles. Instrumentation. Vibrational spectra analysis. Practical examples in the analysis of different materials (ordered and disordered structures). Electronic spectroscopies. UV/Vis/NIR spectroscopy. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDAX). Basic principles. Spectra analysis. Nuclear spectroscopies. Mössbauer spectroscopy. Basic principles. Instrumentation. Hyperfine interactions and spectra analysis. Mössbauer spectroscopy and magnetic materials.
Description of instruction methods
Lectures, consulting, seminars, student research projects
Description of course requirements
oral exam, seminar paper
Monitoring of the course quality and successfulness
Student Survey
Learning outcomes at the course level
To apply methods of vibrational and electronic spectroscopies in material research
To determine the structure and composition of material by vibrational analysis
To determine the optical properties of material applying electronic spectroscopies (UV, Vis, NIR)
To explore magnetic and structural properties by Moessbauer spectroscopy
To determine the phase share and chemical composition on micro and nano level
To compare the results of complementary spectroscopic techniques
Learning outcome at the study programme level
To systematise knowledge, skills and competences for the respective field and academic area of the programme of study
To evaluate the skills and methods for experimental and theoretical research relating to the respective field and academic area of the programme of study
To communicate with their peers, the larger international scholarly community and with society in general about their ideas or the field of their scholarly and professional interest